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Elmer Urda Citizen of the Year Award


In 2005, Elmer Urda was named the Huachuca City Citizen of the Year, an award that now carries his name. Urda was a long-time Huachuca City resident known for his community service. He volunteered the for fire department, the police department, the planning and zoning commission, and the senior center.

Subject award winners have been Lena Morlock, Gene McCullough, Keith Arnett, Janice McCullough, Bob Fenimore, Laura Wallace, Lyn Braswell, Francis Urda, and Jim Halterman.

Mayor Nerhan and council - 2008


Pictured left to right: Mayor George Nerhan and council members Eric Wilkey, Pat Woodruff, Casey Mellen, and Gene McCullough
(Not pictured: Dave Perry and Donna Johnson)